
Jordan: the finale

 We spent our final day in Jordan climbing massive amounts of stairs and singing hymns in an ancient Roman theater.
 Vladi, Wesley, me, y Bailey
 Traditional Bradshaw/J.Rowdy pic :)
El grupo 
 We ended the day at the Jordan River, the site of Jesus' baptism. This was a really special experience for me...we read the account of his baptism in the scriptures, sang hymns together, and then had some time for reflection. I loved the good feelings we created through our music, and for the time to ponder on the Savior's life.

 So much laughter with this one. 
With our feet in the Jordan River. 


Melissa P said...

you peed a little in that one shot, I can tell :)

Melissa P said...

Leatham asked me if he could see pictures of you, so we just perused your blog again- and can I just say.....You are beautiful!